Research manna

August 2018

Twice a year, the Australian Research Council releases a major announcement of grants awarded under its two major competitive grant streams: the Discovery Program and the Linkage Program.

Competitive Funding

In November 2017, a first instalment of 2018 ARC grants delivered more than $332 million, including almost $227 million for Discovery Projects and fellowships for early career researchers. The second major tranche announced in August is providing more than $180 million for 132 new fellowships and collaborative training and research hubs:

Laurels for Qld and Vic

Especially the Laureate Fellowships are associated with considerable prestige, being awarded to world-class researchers with established linkages to the international research/industry community. The selection process of Laureate Fellows also considers a capacity to mentor younger researchers.

Laureate Fellowships across states and universities
Graph based data from ARC

With a success rate of only 12% in this year's round, it's an extremely competitive scheme which reflects the significant cloud and potential impact associated with these fellowships. It is therefore notable that the 16 fellowships concentrate in just 7 universities, with the University of Queensland taking the lion's share hosting 6 of the new Laureate Fellows.

The other successful universities are:

Victoria (7) and Queensland (6) were the big winners among the states, while South Australia and Tasmania lost out altogether.

Hubs of collaboration

The funding for 4 new research hubs under the Industrial Transformation scheme will boost energy storage, agriculture and transport infrastructure in Ausralia.

New linkages

The agency also awarded 5 new projects under the Linkage Project grant scheme, which since 2016 follow a continuous application process. The grants totalling $2.4 million will leverage a further $6.8 million in cash and in-kind contributions from project partners.

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